Monday, December 04, 2006

Slow but Sure

This week has been somewhat disappointing. I still lost, but I missed 3 days of the gym. I knew it was going to be a bit of an adjustment since I was off all last week. I tried to double up on the days I did go to the gym, but I think that's too much on my body at once.

I'm having to learn moderation and patience with this process. I am in a pattern now of consistent loss, but it's slow. I'm not used to that. When I was younger I could lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks like it was nothing. I rarely kept that weight off, but still it seemed like I did so much better.

I've grown frustrated with the incessant logging of my food intake. I think I've done it long enough that I have an idea of what my food intake should be. I'm going to give up tracking every single bite I eat this week and see if I've learned anything.

I attribute this week's minimal loss to the fact that I was polishing off Thanksgiving leftovers, and probably grossly underestimating the caloric content of things like corn pudding. Yummy. I left it out on the counter for 2 days so that I could throw it out in good conscience.

I made homemade vegetable soup to take for lunch this week and I baked some sweet potatoes. I really need to increase my veggie intake. Hopefully changing the foods this week and going to the gym consistently and moderately rather than having marathon workouts will make some difference.

The scale at the gym is very different than my home scale. I weighed in at 197 at the gym. I can't really get too excited about that because I know that it's very far from where I am on my home scale. I can't wait until that one says 197.

I went out to a party on Saturday night. I was excited to have drawn a little attention. I've got a long way to go, but I feel like I'm slowly working my way back into what feels like my very own skin. I don't know whose body this is I've been carrying around for 2 years....mine is emerging. Slowly. But. Surely.


Current Weight: 202.4 pounds

Weight loss so far: 9.6 pounds

Biggest Temptation: thanksgiving leftovers

My treat: Banana split ice cream

My best discovery: Slow and steady wins the race.

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