Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stutter Start

Today I went to the doctor. We talked about a weight loss plan. He suggested limiting carbs, up-ing fruits and veggies, drinking water before and after meals for satiety, and making my exercise routine less sporadic. He didn't say don't eat this, don't eat that. He said to try it for a month and see what changes. If nothing changes, we move onto plan B.

Today I also made a pact with my cousin to give up sweets for 10 days. I caved when I walked in the door. There are mini-Nutrageous bars in the candy jar on the table where I set my keys. I ate 2. Then the folks came over for dinner. They brought carrot cake for dessert. I ate a small piece, comparatively speaking, and a small scoop of vanilla ice cream.

But, I only went over my calories by like 40 calories.

I'm planning to go for a walk/run in the morning.

Keep your fingers crossed.

I caved in too. Jai was crying because she wanted me to pick her up while I was rummaging for food so I grabbed the quickest thing....a donut - a lemon filled donut. I was so ashamed of myself because I could have waited on the 'rents. I was so hungry though! Today will be better!
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