Tuesday, October 24, 2006

That's Better!

I weighed in at 207.4 today.

I know I shouldn't be weighing myself daily, but that last spike in my weight discouraged me a little. I feel better now.

Although this isn't an official weigh in, that would be down 4.6lbs.

Much better.

Yeah! You are losing weight! I want to lose with you but I seriously lack your determination and will power! I did not do the 10 days of no sugar and my calorie counting is so sporadic. I am not sure if I am losing or gaining because everythign fluctuates so much! I am sooooo happy for you though! Congrats and keep up the good work!

P.S. Hiking?!?!?
You know, KMF, I didn't do the no sugar thing either. I haven't really denied myself anything that I want, except french fries---and I talked myself out of wanting those.

I have had rocky road ice cream for the last 2 nights, because I found myself after dinner with still 400 calories to consume.

Hiking. Yes, I had to look it up before I called it hiking. Some people think this means you need to be going up a mountain, but it means a really long walk. So, yes, hiking.

Wanna go Saturday?
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