Monday, November 06, 2006


THIS is precisely why someone needs to take my scale away from me. I weighed in Saturday at 205.2. I was so excited about it and ate relatively well this weekend. I binged a bit on Halloween candy for breakfast on Saturday, but I accounted for all of the calories. I drank quite a bit of red wine Saturday evening, whose calories I may have under-estimated a tad. I weigh in this morning, two days later--207.2!! How can I have possibly gained 2 pounds back in 2 days?

And, did I mention that I worked out both Saturday and Sunday.

I add an exercise routine to my weight loss plan and I feel like things are falling apart. I know that I'm being dramatic and obsessive, which is precisely why I'm posting these feelings, so someone can smack me! Hard!

I was tempted not to post today, not to count calories anymore, not to add my new weight to my graph on the The Daily Plate, but I've resisted all of those temptations. I'm struggling really hard not to be devastated, besides disappointed. Really, really hard. I know that my body needs time to adjust to the changes I made by adding the exercise. I know I need to throw the damn mini Kit Kats the hell away. I know I need to stop freaking out. But I wanted to throw the scale against the wall this morning and scream.

But, I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to let this totally derail me. Somebody needs to take my scale away and only let me use it once a week...or once a month.


And don't offer me any more damned peanut M&Ms!!! I will eat them all! The whole freakin' 2 pound bag!!!!

Don't lose sight of the long term! Temporary weight fluctuations are nothing. Just water gain or somethign of the like. Let it go!! You are doing a GREAT job and I admire you for doing so much! One weekend is not bad. Love ya!
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